Signs of Aspergers Syndrome

I Have Asperger Syndrome, Now What?

So you have Aspergers Syndrome. Now what? So many things make sense and line up, but there are questions that still remain. How will my family and friend react? Are there any treatments for this? How do I cope with Aspergers Syndrome?

First, take a deep breathe. It can be a lot to take in. It may help explain a lot of behaviors that may be weird. Realizing you have Aspergers Syndrome makes you realize part of the reason you were so rigid growing up may have been the strict adherence to routines that is common with Aspergers Syndrome. Remember the nervous twitches you had to cope? That may have been stimming. Why did it seem you were an alien around other people? It may be because of Aspergers Syndrome. We are not doctors, and as always we suggest you reach out to a medical professional for an official diagnosis or for medical advice in relation to your Aspergers Syndrome.

So, how do you tell family and friends? First, you should realize that not everyone will be as supportive. Try and recall when you tried to break something difficult to someone and recall how they reacted. Were these people supportive? Were they critical or judgmental? This will play into who you speak to. Worse comes to worse, you may need to speak to a therapist if you cannot find a trust worth person. Religious leaders or mentors also may be good choices as well. Take it slow, and don't rush to explain everything about you is because of Aspergers Syndrome. Start with one person and expand on a need to know basis.

During this new journey, you may question yourself and wonder if it was worth it to get diagnosed. That is ok. It will take a while to get used to, but once you do, it will be easier to accept yourself and and gain the confidence you need. It may take some time to accept yourself and adapt, but once you do it will be easier as you will know what roadblock is in your way instead of beating yourself up for not knowing what the problem is. You can then build a strategy for being a better you.

Once you have accepted yourself and realized how you are is perfectly ok, you should look into areas that are involuntary (such as anxiety) and work on issues stemming from Aspergers Syndrome or are comorbidities. Taking something for anxiety may help in relieving some of the worse issues that come with Aspergers Syndrome. As we stated from the start, we are not doctors, but we have seen what works and what does not. Not all anti-anxiety medicines are SSRI anti-depressants, but many are. This is an area you may want to speak to your doctor about, as certain treatments work better with stronger cases of anxiety and some anxiety might need just occasional treatment. There are many options that you may be able to speak with your doctor about. The same applies to depression as well. Because you may need prescriptions for these medicines, it would be best to discuss most of this with a medical professional. When you treat issues that make Aspergers Syndrome worse, you ca manager things that comes up more effectively.

In addition to prescription drugs, there are tons of natural remedies to deal with symptoms or coocvurring conditions. St. John's Wart for depression, lemon balm for mood, l-theanine for mood, NAC as an anti-oxidant, and many others natural supplements can help with managing co-symptoms that may come along with Aspergers syndrome. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is also helpful in removing negative thoughts out of your thought rotation. CBD can also be helpful for relaxing.

It may be helpful to write your thoughts down on this, or even better buy a dry erase board to write down your hopes, dreams, challenges, and your plan to deal with each. By writing your plans down, it adds a layer of commitment to the goals you lay before yourself. There are also mind mapper apps for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS, which are very helpful. Some seem more helpful than others. The QusaWiki is helpful for creating interconnected notes that can include multimedia.

Above all else though, forgive and accept yourself. There may be times when you fall down and make a fool of yourself or say something uncalled for, but this is a growth experience, and you should treat it as such. You need to crawl before you walk. You may need to experiment with different coping mechanisms to find what works right, but it will e different for every person. Part of accepting yourself is enjoying what you love. You should not feel bad for things you obsess over (as long as it is legal or is causing harm to your health or financial situation). Just remember not everyone wants an infodump on the latest movie you watch. Part of it is also learning how to say things. Branching, or going from one topic to another, is easier when the topic at hand is open or vague or is related to what you want to talk about ("What are you doing this weekend?" You: "I am going to see the new Marvel movie. I have been waiting a whole year to see this movie"). Just feel things out and with time you will improve.

One final thing, that being masking. It may take a short bit to figure out what is ok to say and what is not, but do not overcompensate just because you may say something you should not have. If you are quiet, people may think you don't care about them, but you do. Just try to pull back and experiment a little bit with small conversations, whether it is at the bus stop, at work, at school, or other venues. It may be awkward at first, but the world will be worth it. If you pull back too much however, you can come across as not authentic and relationships may suffer as a result. It is tough for both those that are neurotypical (someone not on the Autism Spectrum or who does not have Aspergers Syndrome or other conditions) and those that are neurodiverse (people with Aspergers, autism, and other neurological differences).

Disclaimer: We are not doctors or licensed therapists and always suggest you reach out to a professional. This is here for informational purposes only.